50 Best Twilight Trivia Questions

Ready to test your knowledge on Twilight trivia questions? 

Get set for a journey through Forks, reliving the romance, drama, and unforgettable moments with Bella, Edward, and the rest of the clan. 

This is your chance to shine like a vampire in the sunlight, proving your fandom and learning something you didn’t know before. 

Let’s see how deep your love for this saga goes.

Best Twilight Trivia Questions

#1. In the Twilight Saga, what is the name of the treaty between the Quileute werewolves and the Cullen family?

The treaty is called the Treaty of the Three Wives.

#2. Which member of the Cullen family was originally a Confederate soldier before becoming a vampire?

Jasper Hale was a Confederate soldier.

#3. What unique ability does Bella Swan develop when she becomes a vampire?

Bella develops a powerful shield to protect herself and others from psychic attacks.

#4. Which high school did Bella Swan transfer to in Forks?

Bella transferred to Forks High School.

#5. Who is the author of the Twilight Saga, and in what year was the first book published?

Stephenie Meyer is the author, and the first book was published in 2005.

#6. What is the name of the vampire who seeks revenge on Bella and the Cullens in ‘New Moon’ and ‘Eclipse’?

Victoria seeks revenge on Bella and the Cullens.

#7. In ‘Breaking Dawn,’ what is the name given to Bella and Edward’s half-human, half-vampire child?

Their child is named Renesmee Cullen.

#8. What are the names of the three Volturi leaders known for their strict enforcement of vampire laws?

The leaders are Aro, Caius, and Marcus.

#9. During the baseball scene in ‘Twilight,’ which song by Muse is playing in the background?

The song is “Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse.

#10. What is the significance of the flower found on the cover of the ‘Twilight’ novel, and how does it relate to the story?

The cover features a ruffled tulip, symbolizing Bella’s move from Phoenix to Forks and her complex relationship with Edward, combining beauty and danger.

Book Twilight Trivia Questions

Book Twilight Trivia Questions

#1. What is the full name of Bella’s mother, and why does Bella decide to move to Forks?

Bella’s mother is named Renée Dwyer. Bella decides to move to Forks to live with her father, Charlie, giving her mother the freedom to travel with her new husband, Phil, who is a minor-league baseball player.

#2. Which class do Bella and Edward have together, sparking their initial interaction in the ‘Twilight’ novel?

They have Biology class together.

#3. What specific book does Bella read that leads her to suspect Edward is a vampire?

Bella reads about legends and myths in the Pacific Northwest, focusing on the Quileute legends which mention “The Cold Ones,” leading her to suspect Edward is a vampire.

#4. In ‘Twilight,’ how does Edward save Bella from a potentially fatal car accident?

Edward saves Bella by stopping the sliding van with his hand, preventing it from crushing her against her truck.

#5. What is the name of the treaty-breaking vampire who creates a newborn army in ‘Eclipse’?

The vampire’s name is Victoria, but the treaty-breaking action and creation of the newborn army are primarily executed by her minion, Riley Biers.

#6. What gift does Edward give Bella on her eighteenth birthday, and why does it lead to an accident?

Edward gives Bella a CD of him playing the piano. The accident occurs when Bella gets a paper cut while opening another gift, which prompts Jasper to lose control due to the smell of her blood.

#7. In ‘New Moon,’ to whom does Bella turn for comfort and adrenaline-inducing activities following Edward’s departure?

Bella turns to Jacob Black for comfort and engages in adrenaline-inducing activities to evoke hallucinations of Edward advising her against risk.

#8. How does Bella discover the effectiveness of her ‘shield’ ability during her vampire training in ‘Breaking Dawn’?

Bella learns to extend her shield during training sessions with the Cullens, protecting others from Jane’s pain-inducing ability, and demonstrating her control and effectiveness.

#9. What is the name of the nomadic vampire who first shares the history of the immortal children with Bella in ‘Breaking Dawn’?

The nomadic vampire’s name is Eleazar, who enlightens Bella about the history and dangers of immortal children.

#10. Which book from the saga features a preface that foreshadows a looming battle between the protagonist and a perceived enemy, symbolizing Bella’s internal conflict between her human life and her love for Edward?

‘Eclipse’ features the preface that foreshadows the looming battle, symbolizing Bella’s internal conflict between her loyalty to her human life and her love for Edward, leading towards her eventual transformation.

Movie Twilight Trivia Questions

Movie Twilight Trivia Questions

#1. Beyond Forks: Which real-life city doubled for the rainy town of Forks in the Twilight movies? (Bonus: What unusual weather phenomenon plagued the filming?)

Portland, Oregon. The constant drizzle was caused by special effects machines, not the Pacific Northwest’s usual precipitation!

#2. Soundtrack Spotlight: Which musician, known for their aversion to awards shows, surprisingly contributed a song to the Twilight soundtrack? (Hint: They famously penned “Hallelujah”)

Leonard Cohen with “The Guests.” Despite his usual stance, Cohen reportedly loved the books and felt the song fit the theme perfectly.

#3. Prop Prophecy: In the iconic meadow scene, what hidden message did eagle-eyed fans spot etched on Edward’s rock?

The inscription reads “Always,” a nod to Edward’s enduring love for Bella, and a phrase frequently repeated throughout the series.

#4. Costume Chronicle: Bella’s signature clumsy moments often involved wardrobe mishaps. How many times did she trip or fall throughout the Twilight Saga films?

Believe it or not, Bella takes a tumble a whopping 11 times! Perhaps clumsy isn’t just a personality trait, but a superpower… of sorts.

#5. Hidden Homage: The Cullens’ home, “The Cullen House,” was inspired by a real-life architectural marvel. Can you guess which famous estate served as its inspiration?

The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California. Both boast unique architectural styles and a touch of mystery.

#6. Language Lesson: Did you know the Quileute tribe language featured in the films is a real, albeit critically endangered, language? What is its traditional name?

#6. Language Lesson: Did you know the Quileute tribe language featured in the films is a real, albeit critically endangered, language? What is its traditional name?

#7. Bite-Sized Detail: What was the unusual ingredient Bella snuck into Edward’s birthday chili in the first movie, a detail not mentioned in the book?

Jalapenos! Kristen Stewart added the spicy twist during filming, much to Robert Pattinson’s (and Edward’s) surprise.

#8. Director’s Choice: The iconic baseball scene almost looked very different. What alternative sport did director Catherine Hardwicke originally envision for the pivotal moment?

Basketball! However, after testing both options, baseball won out for its visual appeal and symbolic representation of control and competition.

#9. Soundtrack Secrets: The song “Bella’s Lullaby” is a haunting melody played throughout the series. Who wrote and performed the original version?

Carter Burwell, the film’s composer, wrote the music, but the vocals belonged to singer Christina Aguilera, uncredited due to scheduling conflicts.

#10. Book to Big Screen: The Twilight movies deviate from the books in several ways. Which major character was originally described with brown hair, not blonde, in the novel?

Alice Cullen! While the film portrays her with signature platinum blonde hair, Stephenie Meyer’s book describes her with dark, chocolate-colored locks.

Hard Twilight Trivia Questions

Hard Twilight Trivia Questions

#1. Symbolism Savant: In Breaking Dawn, a hidden message appears on Renesmee’s crib mobile. What historical figure does it represent, and how does it connect to the Volturi conflict?

The mobile features a phoenix, symbolizing rebirth and transformation, mirroring Renesmee’s unique half-vampire nature and foreshadowing the potential conflict with the Volturi who see her as a threat.

#2. Covenant Conundrum: The Quileute werewolf treaty with the Cullens forbids them from attacking humans. But what specific loophole allows Jacob to imprint on Renesmee, seemingly breaking the treaty?

The loophole lies in the distinction between “human” and “human child.” As Renesmee is technically a half-vampire, she isn’t considered a “human child” according to the strict wording of the treaty.

#3. Power Play: Each vampire coven seems to possess a unique ability. Aside from telepathy and shielding, what lesser-known power does the Denali coven possess, and how does it manifest?

The Denali coven, led by Irina, possesses the power of thermo-regulation. They can control their body temperature, allowing them to survive in warmer climates than most vampires.

#4. Hidden History: The Volturi guard consists of immortal vampires chosen for their loyalty and strength. But how are these guards created, and what dark ritual is involved?

The Volturi create guards through a brutal process called turning. They forcibly transform gifted humans into vampires, stripping away their emotions and free will, resulting in unwavering loyalty.

#5. Mythological Mashup: The Twilight Saga draws inspiration from various mythologies. Which specific Native American legend influences the Quileute werewolves’ lore, and how are the similarities evident?

The Quileute werewolves are based on the legends of shape-shifting figures found in many Pacific Northwest tribes. They share characteristics like superhuman strength, connection to nature, and transformation during times of emotional intensity.

#6. Vampiric Vocabulary: Throughout the series, vampires use Latin phrases to communicate discreetly. What does the phrase “mea culpa” signify, and when is it notably used?

 “Mea culpa” translates to “my fault” and expresses remorse or responsibility. It’s prominently used by Alec in Eclipse when he apologizes for attempting to attack Bella against Aro’s orders.

#7. Character Connection: While seemingly minor, Bella’s love for ballet holds deeper significance. How does it foreshadow her future and connect to Edward’s past struggles?

Bella’s ballet represents her desire for control and grace, qualities she admires in Edward. His past as a tracker highlights his own internal struggle with control, making Bella’s passion a subtle nod to their shared complexities.

#8. Prophetic Prose: Stephenie Meyer embeds subtle clues and foreshadowing within the books. What seemingly insignificant detail in Twilight hints at Bella’s eventual transformation into a vampire?

In the meadow scene, Edward reveals his venom has a different effect on Bella than other humans. This foreshadows her unique ability to resist its transformative power, ultimately leading to her becoming a vampire.

#9. Musical Mystery: The Breaking Dawn soundtrack features a hidden track titled “Bella’s Lullaby (Reprise).” How does this track differ from the original lullaby, and what emotional significance does it hold?

The reprise features a faster tempo and more intense instrumentation, reflecting the heightened emotions and impending danger Bella faces during the film’s climax.

#10. Authorial Anomalies: In the original Twilight manuscript, several key elements differed from the published version. What was Edward’s original coven name, and how did it change the dynamic of the story?

Edward’s coven was originally called the “Eclipsed”, reflecting their desire to remain hidden from the sun. This changed to the more ambiguous “Cullens,” allowing for a wider range of vampire interactions and lore development.

Funny Twilight  Trivia Questions

Funny Twilight  Trivia Questions

#1. Bella’s Culinary Chaos: Aside from tripping, what other hilariously disastrous talent does Bella possess, and how does it manifest in the movies?

Bella is a terrible cook. Remember the infamous “mystery casserole” that nearly choked Edward in Twilight?

#2. Fashion Faux Pas: While most remember Bella’s signature clumsy stumbles, what fashion misstep did Edward commit early on that Bella secretly chuckled about?

Edward’s sparkly prom suit. Bella couldn’t help but find it a little over the top, despite his brooding charms.

#3. Supernatural Snacking: Vampires don’t need food, but what surprisingly human indulgence does Carlisle enjoy, much to Emmett’s amusement?

Carlisle has a weakness for chocolate. Just imagine Emmett teasing him about “fang-banging” a Hershey bar!

#4. Werewolf Woes: Jacob may be a fierce protector, but what embarrassing physical quirk does he possess that leaves him red-faced (literally)?

Jacob blushes uncontrollably when he phases into his werewolf form. Talk about awkward teenage transformations!

#5. Internal Monologue Mayhem: We get a glimpse into Bella’s thoughts, and let’s be honest, they’re sometimes… strange. What bizarre comparison does she use to describe Edward’s sparkly skin in Twilight?

Bella likens Edward’s shimmering skin to “a bedazzled disco ball”. We can only imagine the glitter puns Edward would make!

#6. Superpower Struggles: Edward can read minds, but what hilarious mental block does he have whenever Bella is involved?

Edward’s mind-reading powers short-circuit around Bella, leaving him clueless about her true feelings. Talk about frustrating superpowers!

#7. Unexpected Inspiration: Stephenie Meyer found inspiration for her characters in unexpected places. What surprising source did she use to name the Cullen coven?

The Cullen family names are inspired by fashion designers, like Carlisle Cullen (Carlisle of London) and Emmett Cullen (Emmett Smith).

#8. Sparkly Soundtrack Secrets: The Twilight soundtracks were iconic, but what hilarious behind-the-scenes fact reveals the true reason behind Robert Pattinson’s rendition of “Never Think”?

Pattinson hates singing, so his performance was intentionally bad as a joke!

#9. Team Edward vs. Team Jacob: The debate between Team Edward and Team Jacob raged on. But what unintentionally funny detail could be seen on Team Jacob t-shirts, making some fans chuckle?

Some “Team Jacob” shirts accidentally read “Team Bacon” due to a printing error. We guess Jacob is pretty delicious… figuratively, of course!

#10. Vampire Vacation Woes: While vampires can’t travel by plane, how does Rosalie hilariously (and somewhat impractically) get around for vacations?

Rosalie drives across vast distances at superhuman speed. Imagine the gas bill for a vampire road trip!


So, you think you know Twilight? From Bella’s clumsiness to Edward’s sparkling secrets, this trivia journey explored the hilarious, hidden, and downright strange corners of the saga. 

But the Forks fun doesn’t stop here! Share your favorite Twilight trivia questions in the comments and let’s keep the fandom alive (and maybe a little bit sparkly). 

Remember, every Twihard has a story to tell, so spill the trivia tea!