40 Best Fish Trivia Questions

Ready to plunge into the fascinating world of fish trivia? Our collection is swimming with fun facts and surprising tidbits about our finned friends from the deep blue. 

Perfect for kids and adults alike, this guide promises a splash of knowledge and a wave of entertainment. Get hooked on learning about the most intriguing creatures beneath the waves.

Best Fish Trivia Questions And Answers

#1. What fish is known for its impressive memory span, debunking the myth of a 3-second memory?

The goldfish. Contrary to popular belief, goldfish have a memory span that can last months.

#2. Which fish species can change its gender from female to male as it ages, a phenomenon known as protandry?

The clownfish. They live in groups, and if the dominant female dies, the most dominant male changes gender to become the dominant female.

#3. What is the largest fish in the ocean, known for its gentle nature and filter-feeding behavior?

The whale shark. Despite its massive size, it feeds mainly on plankton and small fishes.

#4. Which fish has the unique ability to walk on land for short distances, thanks to its strong, arm-like fins?

The mudskipper. It can use its pectoral fins to walk on land and breathe air through its skin and the lining of its mouth.

#5. Identify the fish known for constructing intricate “crop circles” on the ocean floor as part of its mating ritual.

The pufferfish. The male pufferfish creates elaborate patterns in the sand to attract females.

#6. What is the name of the fish that possesses a transparent head, allowing it to see through its own skull?

The barreleye fish. Its transparent head and tubular eyes allow it to look upwards through its skull to spot prey above.

#7. Which freshwater fish is known for its incredible ability to leap out of the water and catch birds in flight?

The African tigerfish. It has been documented leaping out of the water to catch swallows in mid-flight.

#8. What deep-sea creature is known as the “vampire squid from hell” due to its red eyes and cloak-like webbing?

The vampire squid. Despite its name, it is actually more closely related to octopuses than to squids.

#9. Which fish can regenerate its heart, making it a subject of interest for scientific research?

The zebrafish. It can fully regenerate its heart after damage, offering insights into human heart repair.

#10. What species of fish holds the record for the longest migration, traveling vast distances across oceans?

The great white shark. It is known for making trans-oceanic migrations, traveling thousands of miles between feeding and breeding grounds.

Funny Fish Trivia Questions

Funny Fish Trivia Questions

#1. What fish is known for its frowning face, looking perpetually grumpy?

The blobfish. It appears to have a gloomy face, especially when it’s taken out of its high-pressure deep-sea environment.

#2. Which fish has earned the nickname “the comedian of the sea” due to its ability to imitate other sea creatures?

The mimic octopus. It can impersonate other sea animals like flatfish, lionfish, and sea snakes.

#3. What is the name of the fish that can puff up into a ball when threatened, making it look comically large and inedible to predators?

The pufferfish. It inflates itself by swallowing water or air.

#4. Which fish is known for shooting down its prey by spitting water at them, knocking insects into the water?

The archerfish. It can accurately spit water up to several feet above the water surface to dislodge insects.

#5. What species of fish is famous for having a lightbulb on its head, leading to its portrayal as a quirky character in popular media?

The anglerfish. The females have a bioluminescent lure on their heads to attract prey in the deep, dark ocean.

#6. Which fish engages in a peculiar dance ritual that includes spinning and leaping out of the water, often amusing onlookers?

The dolphin fish is also known as mahi-mahi. They are known for their acrobatic displays and vibrant colors.

#7. What fish is known for its ability to climb waterfalls using its mouth, in a feat that seems straight out of a cartoon?

The Hawaiian goby. It uses its sucker-like mouth to climb up steep waterfalls during its migration.

#8. Which fish has the unusual habit of sleeping in a bubble, creating its own nightly bubble nest for protection?

The parrotfish. It secretes a mucous cocoon around itself at night to hide its scent from predators.

#9. What fish is known for having teeth that look eerily similar to human teeth, often surprising unsuspecting viewers?

The pacu fish. Its teeth are oddly human-like, designed for crushing nuts and seeds.

#10. Which fish has a name that sounds like it belongs to a pirate, complete with “beards” and flamboyant appearance?

The lionfish. Known for its striking stripes and venomous spines, it looks like it could sail the high seas.

Easy Fish Trivia Questions

Easy Fish Trivia Questions

#1. What common household fish is known for its ability to live in fishbowls and come in many colors?

Goldfish. They are popular pets and can come in orange, red, white, black, and yellow.

#2. Which fish is famous for being Nemo in the animated movie “Finding Nemo”?

Clownfish. They live in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

#3. What is the term used for the process by which fish breathe underwater?

Gills. Fish breathe by passing water over their gills to extract oxygen.

#4. Which type of fish is known for having a skeleton made entirely of cartilage, not bone?

Sharks. This includes all species of sharks and rays.

#5. What kind of fish is traditionally used to make sushi and sashimi in Japanese cuisine?

Tuna and salmon are among the most popular fish used in sushi and sashimi.

#6. Which freshwater fish is known for being an aggressive predator, often referred to as a ‘river monster’?

The piranha. They are known for their sharp teeth and strong jaws.

#7. What is the name of the fish that is famous for living in both freshwater and saltwater during its life cycle?

Salmon. They are born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean, then return to freshwater to spawn.

#8. Which fish is known for its brightly colored bodies and is a popular choice for reef aquariums?

Coral reef fish, such as clownfish, angelfish, and tangs, are known for their vibrant colors.

#9. What is the largest species of fish found in the ocean?

The whale shark. It’s a gentle giant that feeds on plankton.

#10. Which fish has a unique ability to regenerate its lost scales and even parts of its heart?

The zebrafish. It’s often studied for its regenerative abilities.

Fish Trivia Questions For Kids

Fish Trivia Questions For Kids

#1. What kind of fish can light up the dark ocean floor with its own built-in flashlight?

The lanternfish. It uses bioluminescence to light up its surroundings in the deep sea.

#2. Colorful fish is famous for living in anemones, forming a special partnership with them for protection

The clownfish. It has a special coating on its skin that protects it from the anemone’s sting.

#3. What is the name of the fish that can climb trees with its fins?

The climbing perch. It can use its gill covers and fins to move across land and climb.

#4. Can you name a fish that uses its mouth to build nests for its eggs out of bubbles?

The betta fish is also known as the Siamese fighting fish. Males blow bubbles to create nests for the eggs.

#5. Which fish can change its color to blend in with its surroundings, making it a master of disguise?

The flounder. It can change its color to match the ocean floor, hiding from predators.

#6. What large fish has a name that sounds like a type of whale but is actually a fish?

The whale shark. Despite its name, it’s a gentle giant of the fish world.

#7. Which fish is known for having wings and can “fly” above the water surface?

The flying fish. It can glide above the water to escape predators.

#8. What fish has a unique talent for walking on land for short distances using its fins?

The mudskipper. It uses its pectoral fins to walk and can breathe air through its skin.

#9. Can you name a fish that cleans other fish by eating parasites and dead skin off their scales?

The cleaner wrasse. It sets up “cleaning stations” where other fish come to get cleaned.

#10. What is the name of the fish that can puff itself up like a balloon when it feels threatened?

The pufferfish. It inflates its body to appear bigger and less appetizing to predators.


And there you have it, a whirlpool of fascinating fish trivia that’s sure to make a splash at your next gathering or quiz night. 

We hope you found these facts as intriguing as we did! Do you have a favorite fish fact or a quirky question to share? Drop it in the comments below. Let’s keep the current of curiosity flowing!