Get ready to explore the fascinating world of Bible trivia questions!
This engaging collection will challenge your knowledge of stories, characters, and lessons from the Bible.
Perfect for family game nights or Sunday school fun, these questions are designed to spark curiosity and deepen your understanding of scripture.
Let’s see how well you know the Good Book!
Best Bible Trivia Questions

#1. What was the first miracle performed by Jesus, and where did it take place?
Turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana.
#2. Which biblical figure is known for his incredible strength and what was his downfall?
Samson; his downfall was Delilah cutting his hair.
#3. In the Book of Revelation, what is the name of the last battle between good and evil?
The Battle of Armageddon.
#4. Who was the first king of Israel, and what was one of his significant failures?
Saul; he disobeyed God’s command regarding the Amalekites.
#5. What animal spoke to a prophet in the Bible, and which prophet was it?
A donkey spoke to Balaam.
#6. Which two cities were destroyed by fire and brimstone due to their wickedness?
Sodom and Gomorrah.
#7. What did Jesus say about the rich man and the kingdom of heaven?
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
#8. What did God provide to the Israelites in the desert as food, and what was it called?
Manna, which appeared each morning.
#9. Who interpreted dreams for Pharaoh and later became a high official in Egypt?
Joseph, son of Jacob.
#10. In which book of the Bible is the story of David and Goliath found, and what weapon did David use to defeat Goliath?
The story is found in 1 Samuel; David used a sling and a stone.
Tricky Bible Trivia Questions

#1. What unusual item did Moses use to perform miracles before Pharaoh, and what did it turn into when thrown on the ground?
A staff; it turned into a snake.
#2. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, what two groups passed by the injured man before the Samaritan helped him?
A priest and a Levite.
#3. Which biblical figure is known for his dream of a ladder reaching to heaven, and what was the significance of this dream?
Jacob; it symbolized the connection between heaven and earth.
#4. What was the name of the king who had a dream about a statue made of various materials, and what did each material represent?
King Nebuchadnezzar; each material represented different kingdoms.
#5. Which prophet was swallowed by a great fish, and what lesson does this story convey about obedience?
Jonah; it teaches that disobedience to God can lead to dire consequences.
#6. What did Jesus say would happen to those who are first in this world, and how does it contrast with their position in the kingdom of heaven?
They will be last; it contrasts with the idea that the last will be first in the kingdom of heaven.
#7. Who was the only woman mentioned in the Bible known to have judged Israel, and what notable victory did she lead?
Deborah; she led Israel to victory over Sisera.
#8. What was unique about the way Jesus chose his disciples, particularly in relation to their occupations?
He chose ordinary fishermen instead of religious leaders or scholars.
#9. In the Book of Esther, what was the name of the Persian king who unwittingly promoted a plot against the Jews?
King Xerxes (also known as Ahasuerus).
#10. What did God instruct Noah to build, and how many of each animal species was he commanded to bring aboard?
An ark; he was commanded to bring two of each kind (one male and one female).
Bible Trivia Questions For Kids

#1. What was the first thing God created according to the Bible?
#2. In which city was Jesus born, making it a significant location in Christianity?
#3. What is the name of the large boat that Noah built to save his family and animals from the flood?
The Ark.
#4. Who was the author of the Book of Revelation, known for his visions on the island of Patmos?
#5. What colorful symbol did God give to Noah as a promise never to flood the earth again?
A rainbow.
#6. How many days and nights did it rain during Noah’s flood?
40 days and 40 nights.
#7. Who was thrown into a den of lions for praying to God, demonstrating great faith?
#8. What did Jesus turn into wine at a wedding, marking his first miracle?
#9. Which two brothers were the first children of Adam and Eve, known for their tragic story?
Cain and Abel.
#10. What part of Adam’s body did God use to create Eve, highlighting the connection between them?
A rib.