Ready to challenge your “Lord of the Rings” knowledge?
Get ready to explore some of the best trivia questions that will test your memory of Middle-earth’s most fascinating details.
From hidden facts to character secrets, this is the ultimate trivia experience for true fans!
Best Lord Of The Rings Trivia Questions
#1. What is the Elvish name for Rivendell, the hidden valley refuge in “The Lord of the Rings”?
#2. Who was the original owner of the One Ring before Sauron claimed it?
The original owner was the Dark Lord Morgoth.
#3. What was the name of the sword reforged from the shards of Narsil and given to Aragorn?
#4. Which Fellowship of the Ring member is known for their immense knowledge of Middle-earth’s flora and fauna?
#5. What are the names of the two towers referred to in the title of the second book/movie, “The Two Towers”?
Orthanc and Barad-dûr
#6. Who was the last ruling Steward of Gondor before the return of King Aragorn?
Denethor II
#7. What is the name of the inn in Bree where Frodo and his companions first meet Aragorn?
The Prancing Pony
#8. Which character in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy is also known by the alias ‘Strider’?
#9. What creature does Gollum refer to as ‘my precious’?
The One Ring
#10. In the book, what gift does Galadriel give to Samwise Gamgee when the Fellowship departs from Lothlórien?
A box of earth from her garden in Lothlórien
Tricky Lord Of The Rings Trivia Questions

#1. What is the true name of the character known as Tom Bombadil, and what is his mysterious origin?
Tom Bombadil’s true name and origin are never fully explained, making him one of Tolkien’s most enigmatic characters.
#2. In the books, which character originally gives Frodo the name ‘Underhill’ as a pseudonym?
#3. What is the name of the great wolfhound of Huan who played a crucial role in the First Age, and how is he connected to the events of “The Lord of the Rings”?
Huan is not directly mentioned in “The Lord of the Rings,” but he is a significant character in Tolkien’s broader legendarium.
#4. What is the relationship between Elrond and Arwen and how does it tie into the greater history of Middle-earth?
Elrond is Arwen’s father, and their lineage ties back to both the Elves and the line of Númenor.
#5. How does the door to Moria open, and what is the Elvish word inscribed on it that serves as the key?
The door to Moria opens when Gandalf says “Mellon,” the Elvish word for ‘friend.’
#6. What is the full name of the character commonly known as Samwise Gamgee, and what does his name signify?
Samwise Gamgee’s full name is Samwise Gardner. ‘Samwise’ means ‘half-wise’ or ‘simple’ in Old English.
#7. What is the name of the sword that Éomer, nephew of King Théoden, wields in battle?
#8. Which three members of the Fellowship of the Ring are related by blood, and what is their familial connection?
Merry and Pippin are cousins, and Frodo is their second cousin once removed.
#9. Who is the creator of the Ents, and how did they come to be protectors of the forests?
The Ents were created by Yavanna, one of the Valar, to protect the trees from the depredations of other creatures.
#10. In the appendices of “The Lord of the Rings,” it is revealed that Aragorn served under a different name in Rohan and Gondor before reclaiming his throne. What was this name?
Lord Of The Rings Trivia Questions For Adults

#1. In “The Lord of the Rings,” what are the names of the two rivers that merge near the Argonath statues?
The rivers are Anduin and Celebrant.
#2. Which member of the Fellowship is revealed to have a noble lineage connected to the rulers of Númenor?
#3. In “The Return of the King,” who does Eowyn disguise herself as to join the Battle of the Pelennor Fields?
#4. What powerful artifact does Galadriel possess, and what is its name?
Galadriel possesses one of the three Elven Rings of Power, called Nenya.
#5. Who is the father of Legolas, and what is his title?
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm
#6. Which location serves as the final resting place for the rulers of Gondor, and what is its significance?
Rath Dínen, also known as the Silent Street
#7. What is the significance of the plant known as Athelas or Kingsfoil in the healing practices of Middle-earth?
Athelas has healing properties, particularly effective when used by a true king, such as Aragorn.
#8. What is the name of the ancient realm that lies beneath the Misty Mountains, famously reclaimed by Thorin Oakenshield and his company?
Erebor, also known as the Lonely Mountain
#9. Who is the leader of the Black Riders, also known as the Nazgûl, and what is his most notable title?
The Witch-king of Angmar
#10. In the lore of Middle-earth, what event led to the drowning of Númenor, and who was responsible?
The drowning of Númenor was caused by the hubris of its people and the intervention of Eru Ilúvatar after they attempted to invade the Undying Lands.